Byddwch barod am y rhialtwch ym Mharc Treftadaeth Cwm Rhondda!
Mae Rhialtwch Calan Gaeaf yn dychwelyd ar 29 a 30 Hydref ac mae'n fwy dychrynllyd nag erioed! Mae'r achlysur poblogaidd i blant wedi cael ei drawsnewid ac mae llawer o bethau i'w gwneud gan gynnwys pwmpenfa!
Bydd tocynnau'n £10 i bob plentyn a £3.50 i bob oedolyn ac yn cynnwys y canlynol: Pigwch eich pwmpen eich hun yn y Bwmpenfa
Ewch am dro drwy'r Bwmpenfa i chwilio am eich pwmpen berffaith cyn mynd â hi adref i'w naddu a rhannu lluniau gyda ni ar Facebook drwy dagio @rhonddaheritagepark (Un bwmpen ar gyfer pob tocyn plentyn sy'n cael ei brynu)
Crefftau Crefftus
Lliwiwch a glynnwch ddeunyddiau crefft i wneud crefftau Calan Gaeaf.
Helfa Calan Gaeaf
Mae ein hysbrydion Calan Gaeaf ni wedi dianc ac eich swydd chi fydd chwilio amdanyn nhw. Casglwch y stamp er mwyn derbyn losin (neu lanast) wedi ichi ddod o hyd iddyn nhw i gyd. (Un cerdyn gweithgareddau ar gyfer pob tocyn plentyn sy'n cael ei brynu)
Lluniau arswydus hwyl
Byddwch yn barod â'ch camerâu i dynnu llun dychrynllyd yn ein detholiad o gyfleoedd lluniau arswydus. Peidiwch ag anghofio tagio @rhonddaheritagepark ar Facebook
Adfail y Pwll Glo
Ydych chi am fentro dan ddaear i adfail y pwll glo? Edrychwch am Sgerbydau Swynol, Corynnod Cyfoglyd a mwy wrth ichi gerdded drwy'r atyniad Calan Gaeaf yma. Bydd modd i ymwelwyr fynd i lawr yn y lifft i adfail y pwll glo cymaint o weithiau â maen nhw eisiau yn y slot amser sydd wedi'i gadw.
Ffair Hwyl Ffang-tastig Mae dwy reid ffair i blant wedi'u cynnwys ym mhris y tocyn.
Prepare to get spooky at Rhondda Heritage Park Museum!
Spooktacular returns on 29th and 30th October and it’s spookier than ever! The popular children’s event has had a revamp and there’s lots to do including a pumpkin patch!
Tickets will cost £10 per child and £3.50 per adult and will include the following: Pick your own Pumpkin in our pumpkin patch
Wander through our Pumpkin Patch and search for your perfect pumpkin, take it home to carve and share your photos with us on Facebook by tagging @rhonddaheritagepark (One pumpkin per child ticket purchased)
Get Crafty
Colour and stick together craft materials to make two Halloween crafts.
Halloween Hunt
Our Halloween spooks have escaped and it’s your job to hunt them down collect the stamp and receive a treat (or a trick) once you find them all. (One activity card per child ticket purchased)
Spooky fun photos
Get those cameras ready and take a ghoulish phot in our selection of spooky photo opportunities. Don’t forget to tag us on facebook @rhonddaheritagepark
The Abandoned Mine
Do you dare to venture underground into the abandoned mine? Come across Singing Skeletons, Spooky Spiders and more as you walk though this Halloween attraction. Visitors can dive down in the lift to the abandoned mine as many times as you like within the time slot booked.
Fang-tastic fun fair Two children’s fun fair rides are included in the ticket price.
Sorry, no tickets are currently on sale for this session.
Byddwch barod am y rhialtwch ym Mharc Treftadaeth Cwm Rhondda!
Mae Rhialtwch Calan Gaeaf yn dychwelyd ar 29 a 30 Hydref ac mae'n fwy dychrynllyd nag erioed! Mae'r achlysur poblogaidd i blant wedi cael ei drawsnewid ac mae llawer o bethau i'w gwneud gan gynnwys pwmpenfa!
Bydd tocynnau'n £10 i bob plentyn a £3.50 i bob oedolyn ac yn cynnwys y canlynol: Pigwch eich pwmpen eich hun yn y Bwmpenfa
Ewch am dro drwy'r Bwmpenfa i chwilio am eich pwmpen berffaith cyn mynd â hi adref i'w naddu a rhannu lluniau gyda ni ar Facebook drwy dagio @rhonddaheritagepark (Un bwmpen ar gyfer pob tocyn plentyn sy'n cael ei brynu)
Crefftau Crefftus
Lliwiwch a glynnwch ddeunyddiau crefft i wneud crefftau Calan Gaeaf.
Helfa Calan Gaeaf
Mae ein hysbrydion Calan Gaeaf ni wedi dianc ac eich swydd chi fydd chwilio amdanyn nhw. Casglwch y stamp er mwyn derbyn losin (neu lanast) wedi ichi ddod o hyd iddyn nhw i gyd. (Un cerdyn gweithgareddau ar gyfer pob tocyn plentyn sy'n cael ei brynu)
Lluniau arswydus hwyl
Byddwch yn barod â'ch camerâu i dynnu llun dychrynllyd yn ein detholiad o gyfleoedd lluniau arswydus. Peidiwch ag anghofio tagio @rhonddaheritagepark ar Facebook
Adfail y Pwll Glo
Ydych chi am fentro dan ddaear i adfail y pwll glo? Edrychwch am Sgerbydau Swynol, Corynnod Cyfoglyd a mwy wrth ichi gerdded drwy'r atyniad Calan Gaeaf yma. Bydd modd i ymwelwyr fynd i lawr yn y lifft i adfail y pwll glo cymaint o weithiau â maen nhw eisiau yn y slot amser sydd wedi'i gadw.
Ffair Hwyl Ffang-tastig Mae dwy reid ffair i blant wedi'u cynnwys ym mhris y tocyn.
Prepare to get spooky at Rhondda Heritage Park Museum!
Spooktacular returns on 29th and 30th October and it’s spookier than ever! The popular children’s event has had a revamp and there’s lots to do including a pumpkin patch!
Tickets will cost £10 per child and £3.50 per adult and will include the following: Pick your own Pumpkin in our pumpkin patch
Wander through our Pumpkin Patch and search for your perfect pumpkin, take it home to carve and share your photos with us on Facebook by tagging @rhonddaheritagepark (One pumpkin per child ticket purchased)
Get Crafty
Colour and stick together craft materials to make two Halloween crafts.
Halloween Hunt
Our Halloween spooks have escaped and it’s your job to hunt them down collect the stamp and receive a treat (or a trick) once you find them all. (One activity card per child ticket purchased)
Spooky fun photos
Get those cameras ready and take a ghoulish phot in our selection of spooky photo opportunities. Don’t forget to tag us on facebook @rhonddaheritagepark
The Abandoned Mine
Do you dare to venture underground into the abandoned mine? Come across Singing Skeletons, Spooky Spiders and more as you walk though this Halloween attraction. Visitors can dive down in the lift to the abandoned mine as many times as you like within the time slot booked.
Fang-tastic fun fair Two children’s fun fair rides are included in the ticket price.
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